Assets and Property — Annis Vercollone Blog — Annis & Vercollone

Annis Vercollone Blog

San Diego Divorce & Family Law Resources

Posts in Assets and Property
Who Gets the Pets in a California Divorce?

In most households pets are considered family. Unfortunately when you divorce in the state of California, pets are not viewed the same as children and getting custody of your furry friend is not black and white.

When it comes to divorce in the state of California, pets are considered property, and “custody” over your pet is typically determined during the division of property proceedings.

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Divorce Financial Checklist: What you Need to Know

Going through a divorce can feel overwhelming and complicated. There are so many things to consider when it comes to divorce, especially when you think about finances and dividing property. You might be worried about what will happen to your money and how joint and separate bank accounts come into play during the divorce process. There are a few things you should do before and during the divorce process to protect yourself and your assets. Here is everything you need to know about bank accounts during divorce and what you should do about them.

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